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Selectmen Minutes 07/08/2014
Chichester Board of Selectmen
Minutes of Meeting
Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Member Present: Richard DeBold, Michael Paveglio, Town Administrator Jodi Pinard

Others Present: Jim Plunkett, Patrick Clarke, John Martell, Alan Quimby, Philip Hitchcock, Kristine Cole, Ann Davis, Donna Chagnon, Dave Colbert, Alan Mayville, Tom Houle

Call to Order: Mr. DeBold called the meeting to order at 6:30pm


Department Heads

Police – Chief Clarke stated the written test was taken last week and the pushups and sits portion was completed as well. We couldn’t complete the run due to the weather. A lot of candidates had tested in other departments. There are four applicants that we moved forward to the oral boards. Hopefully tomorrow we will have a strong candidate. There are no certified candidates and we would need to send the chosen candidate to the academy. I will meet with the group tomorrow after the interviews.

Mr. Paveglio asked about the purchased Bear Cat that was in the paper and if the town had any related costs to that purchase.

Chief Clarke explained that it was Concord who was the grantee of the federal grant. The dues that we currently pay to the Central New Hampshire Special Operations Unit will
assist in the maintenance there are no additional costs to the towns.

Emergency Management – Nothing to report

Fire – Chief Quimby stated we will follow up with Jim about the culverts that need to be flushed out. I thanked the crew regarding the Lynwood Mixer medical call. I gave the board a letter regarding the lights on the forestry and waiving the purchasing policy. The lighting package is NFPA.

A motion was made by Mr. Paveglio and seconded by Mr. DeBold based on warranty allowance I motion to waive the purchasing policy and approve the purchase of the emergency lighting package for the new forestry truck to be purchased from Strobes N More in the amount of $3,815.77 to be purchased out of the Forestry Truck Warrant Article. Motion


Building – Nothing to Report

Highway – Jim Plunkett stated they started late last week fixing the rain storm wash out on Canterbury Road. The state side of Canterbury Road washed onto our roadway. We started on King Road and are half way up to Harvest Road. We will have to go back and fix a few due to the rain. Replaced a couple of culverts. Leavitt Road and Short Falls Road are working well and the one that we did put in on Garvin Hill Road is working. We did a little touch up grading after the storms came through. Still waiting for the 2 more quotes on the paving at the shed. Fixing the washout on Staniels Road. West Road held up fine. A lot of washouts were fixed but they washed out again. Canterbury Road edge on the state side is completely eroding away.

Mr. Colbert asked about the end of the culvert on his driveway.

Mr. Plunkett let him know that it is on the list to be repaired and asked if he knew of any others that needed to be repaired. There are also some other driveway culverts as well that need to be cleaned out. The fire department has a list and they are getting to it when they can.

Mr. Colbert stated in Jim’s defense my culvert at the end is old and has been eroding and it plugs up. I just wasn’t sure if this was my responsibility or the town’s.

Mr. Plunkett asked about the culvert across the road at another resident’s driveway.

Mr. DeBold stated that I know that you are doing ditching but are you also doing erosion control?

Mr. Plunkett stated that yes but with the rain coming in at such a fast pace it will wash it away. I am going to have to make the effort to go out with the fire department and work on these culverts.

Bus Turnaround - 48 Martel Road Jodi reviewed the emails between herself and Mr. Kennedy.

Mr. Plunkett stated that they currently turn around the plow truck at the end of the road.

Mr. DeBold asked that the Road agent meet with him and help him find a solution if possible.

Mr. Plunkett stated that the resident should also call Marston Bus to see if they will go down that road and turn around. This is a fairly flat area. I would like to know whose property that area is.

Forest Fire – Steve Stock stated nothing major on the forestry fire as it has been raining. I drew up plans for the storage compartment with marine plywood with an epoxy seal it so it will hold up in the elements. This will cost roughly $500. I will be building it.

Mr. DeBold stated that he had a large reimbursement that had been requested.

Mr. Stock stated that is for the first half of the year that includes mileage and hours that have been worked. There is enough in the budget and some remaining. Those hours are included for everything that I have been doing for the first half of the year

Library – Lucille Noel stated that the door and weather stripping has been repaired. Bernie looked at the front door and it is all rotted out so we are looking to have another custom door made. Both Flag poles snapped in half. Thanks to Bernie he repaired both of the poles. Small washout on Meeting House Road. Book sale on the 19th. Family movie night 16th and 30th. The summer reading program is in full swing. Science and magic on 23rd. Heating system is scheduled for installation in August.

Anja Rodrigues – Resignation

Anja resigned as Deputy Town Clerk/Tax Collector. She read a letter to the selectmen and thanked them.

The Selectmen thanked Anja for 7 years of service and wished her well.

Evelyn Pike also thanked Anja.

The position will be posted as the Assistant Town Clerk/Tax Collector. Starting salary negotiable, place ads on the Concord Monitor, the Sun, NHMA website as well as the town website and at Town Hall.

Awarding of the Sealed Bid for Map3 Lot 28-18
A motion was made by Mr. Paveglio and seconded by Mr. DeBold to award the bid in the amount $1 for Map 3 Lot 28-18 located on 243 Dover Road #18 to David Colbert. Motion Passes

General Business/Board Discussion:
Gate at Carpenter Park
Kristina Cole stated we had a medical call at Carpenter Park and we could not move around because cars parked in the handicapped accessible parking.

Mr. DeBold stated that this was a failure on the part of the town to enforce the parking and there was a cable that was used previously to block that area off.

Chief Quimby would like to request that the cable be placed back across the access road and a knox box be placed there so that we would be able to unlock it.

Mr. DeBold stated that we need to get a sign stated handicapped parking only and strictly enforce it.

Chief Clarke stated that in order to enforce that you have to post it legally.

Mr. DeBold stated that I believe some signs being placed there and informing the people will be the best way to move forward for now.

Chief Quimby asked if they could be put a knox lock

Mr. Paveglio stated that I am reluctant on making a decision on this prior to looking at and getting more information about this.

Mr. DeBold stated that this was built with federal funds for handicapped parking. This was also placed here as access on the other side of the field. I would like to place signs at the entrance and see how that works.

Parking Ordinance
Changes are good public hearing July 22, 2014

Construction Work
Mr. Colbert town takes on the liability.
Chief Clarke all of these decisions will be at the discretion at of the Police Chief.

Public Hearing scheduled for July 22, 2014

Outstanding Items:
Assessment Card for Map 5 Lot 87

Jamie Pike asked the board if the value was for one year or was it to move forward. If we were to reduce it to the $115,000 we would have to show the house being in worse condition than the former Head Property.

Mr. DeBold stated that I would like to leave this up to Jeff and Mike.

Mr. Pike stated another option is to leave it at the $152,000 for 2014 and let the property owner file an abatement.

Mr. Paveglio stated I need swallow this and get some more information before I make decision.

Purchase of 2 Workstations for the Fire Department

Mrs. Pinard reviewed with the selectmen that the two computers at the fire department are operating with the XP operating system that is no longer supported by Microsoft. Both workstations were slated for replacement this year.

Mr. Paveglio and Mr. DeBold asked to table this until the fire department was there and they could answer some questions.

Atlantic Traders:
Mr. Paveglio stated that the owner of Atlantic Traders wanted to be considered to be the auctioneer for town properties.

Public Input:
David Colbert stated he has two things and I will be brief. First my abatement and having been denied. His description on multiple requests for information I don’t feel that is a correct representation. I take exception to that statement as I filed in November and our first conversation was had in February. I have a problem with the process. His comment to me was we are going to use the income approach for your property and I am not sure everyone understands the income approach. I did not understand it and I was put out by it. I came to you guys the following week and asked why does you assessor want my federal income tax and then I went back to Chad.  I had two or three conversations with Chad that my business is a little more complicated. It is not that simple. It is a pretty involved process for myself. He stated not worry about income and that we would have more time and he would get to me. The next time I hear from him was on June 10 and then met on the 11th. Jason told me you guys were going to have all abatements finalized by the 17th. That gave me only a few days.

Mr. DeBold stated that I believe Mr. Colbert feels that the process and this office’s response was not timely. I believe this office has to do a better job of ensuring this gets done.

Mr. Colbert stated that my frustration is that I cannot do comps it is a mobile home park these are all different. I again tried to explain that the income tax approach was difficult. Only the property and the infrastructure are allowable expenses is what I was told. I contacted him and asked if I could do a five year approach on June 13th. At this point I began to understand what he wanted. He stated we are going to use $400 per unit for rent but I don’t charge that I only charge $290. So I am already being told I am making more. I am requesting a copy of the income approach paperwork. This is all new to me and I want to see how it was done. I just really felt the Town of Chichester did not treat me well through this process.

Mr. Weir stated what I wanted to do was I wanted the town to be on top of the assessor. I think the town needs to have more of an active role.

Mr. Paveglio stated that I do agree this is out of the norm but I also think if we had a different assessor for the revaluation this would have been an easier process.

Mr. DeBold stated that this office needs to do a better job than it had following up.

Mr. Colbert stated that I would like to request all of the income actuals for any property that had the income approached used on them. I would like to work with the town administrator regarding this.

Mr. Colbert asked when they ditched Bear Hill where did the ditching’s go?

Mr. DeBold stated that he and Mr. Paveglio asked the road agent where he was taking the road agent taking the ditching’s at a previous meeting and said the shed and Mr. Mixer’s house. But there has been an allegation that some of the ditching went to Mr. Plunkett’s home. That was brought to the attention of a couple of Board members and I took it upon myself to ask the Town Administrator to follow up and speak to the road agent and ask if any of the ditching went to his property.

Mrs. Pinard stated that she met with the road agent and he stated that ditching’s went to the shed, Mr. Mixer’s and Mr. Phelps’s residence. The ditching’s on his property were that being dumped by someone else.

Mr. Colbert stated that my question is that what the road agent said and what I saw at the town shed after are different. There were only two loads of freshly dumped ditching’s. I don’t care what he does with them but I believe he should be honest.  In the meeting minutes from August 1, 2012 he stated all ditching’s would go to the shed.

Mr. DeBold stated I thought we had gotten to the point where we had already ended this. We did not have any witnesses. We were working with an allegation. We had gotten an answer and at that point we did not have a witness or pictures.

Mr. Colbert stated that no one cares where the ditching’s are going but he stated how he was going to handle it from that point on.

Mr. DeBold stated that we do not direct the road agent unless it is a written directive.

Mr. Colbert stated I contacted Mr. Paveglio and asked where did those ditching’s go?

Mr. Weir stated that you have to do this investigation you have an employee who has been dishonest. One of the stories were untruthful.

Mr. DeBold stated you are saying he lied but I always give the benefits of the doubt maybe he forgot what he did. At the time we have only talked to the road agent.

Mr. Weir stated that he would like the board to investigate this further. Loads dropped at Mr. Phelps house were dropped to be turned into loam and sold.

Mr. Hitchcock stated that this is unfair and the person should be here to defend themselves when you are talking about them.

Consensus was to investigate this further when more information regarding witnesses if given to the town administrator or the selectmen.

Lucille Noel stated the library had a training session and it went well and is in use. Transfer of records went well. Waters property on Trap Road has been sold and the Dover Road property along with the separate lot is listed. Window project has begun. Dave will also do the sills as well. Picnic at Thunder Bridge on the 14th.

Ann Davis stated the Old Home Day Committee and Agricultural Commission are going to have a table for local farmers to sell their products that day.

A motion was made by Mr. DeBold and seconded by Mr. Paveglio to adjourn the meeting at 9:02pm. Motion Passes

Respectfully submitted,

Not approved until signed

Jodi Pinard, Town Administrator

Richard DeBold, Chair   D. Michael Paveglio     Jeffrey Jordan